NJMP Lightning In A Civic
Published: October 29, 2013
Turn 1
Same braking point as Miata.
Not cutting the apex curb.
Turn 2
Lift and turn. Need to fine tune the line here.
A very brief throttle application is possible between turns 2 and 3 but may suggest overslowing for turn 2.
Turn 3
Continue being off power and turn more for 3. Place the car as close as possible to the apex curbing in 3. In the Civic the line is more of an arc than in the Miata.
Turn 4
No brakes. Carefully transition the car left into 4. Using the curb makes the careful transition much flatter and more comfortable. Get on power early, definitely at the apex, and track out all the way to the exit curbing.
Turn 5
No brakes. Aim for the beginning of the curb on the left side at turn in, then lift just as the car is approaching the turn and turn in. Nurse the car up the hill and through the crest. Get on power around the crest.
Turn 6
Track out all the way left under power, then return to the right side of the track.
Turn 7
Braking early and too much.
Do not be late with the turn in as the car likes to understeer through turn 7.
Power through most of the turn. Keep eyes at the exit curbing.
Turn 8
Flat out over the crest on the left.
Turn 9
Go deep and keep the speed up as much as possible. Lots of oversteer wants to happen here and a very gentle hand is needed to rotate the car without spinning it.
The key is still getting on throttle as early as possible. It may be possible to take much of the lightbulb on power, need to work up to it.
Turn 10
Flat out, touch the apex.