NJMP Lightning In A Miata
Published: June 24, 2013
Turn 1
Brake at 2 marker, turn in at 1 marker.
Do not cut the apex curb.
Turn 2
Lift and turn. Hit the apex, track out to about a car width off the left edge of the track. Set up parallel to the track for turn 3.
A very brief throttle application is possible between turns 2 and 3.
Turn 3
Continue being off power and turn more for 3. Place the car as close as possible to the apex curbing in 3. 3 is a late apex turn; the car should almost follow the right edge of the track between the apex of 3 and the turn in point of 4.
Turn 4
No brakes. Flick the car left into 4. Try not to cut the apex curb, although cutting helps a lot. Track out all the way to the exit curbing.
Turn 5
No brakes. Aim for the beginning of the curb on the left side at turn in, then lift just as the car is approaching the turn and turn in. If done right the car will rotate and face the apex curbing in 5. Power through the entire uphill, over the crest and downhill.
Turn 6
Stay flat out on the right edge of the track.
Turn 7
Brake at 3 marker. Turn at 1. Trailbrake a bit to enter faster and rotate the car into the turn.
Turn 8
Flat out over the crest.
Turn 9
Entering parallel to the left side and then turning seems to just waste time and induce oversteer. Instead point the car somewhat into the turn early and try to stick to the bottom of the bowl. The car should probably not be more than 1/2 way up ever.
An understeering setup cannot take the lightbulb flat out. Even a single lift is just not enough.
Turn 10
Flat out, touch the apex.